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Carr Maloney, P.C.

ACC NCR“No Drugs Allowed at the Workplace" Webinar Recording Available

Washington, D.C. (June 24, 2022): Partner Tina Maiolo presented in an ACC NCR presentation titled, “No Drugs Allowed at the Workplace: How to Develop Employment Policies during the Cannabis Legalization Era.”

More than ever, how employers should handle drug issues in the hiring process and the workplace is complicated and confusing. How do they handle conflicts between state and federal laws regarding recreational marijuana use? What if the marijuana use is medicinal? How is this different than an employee who is taking painkillers, which may not show up on a drug screen? How do different local, state and federal anti-discrimination laws come into play?

These are all issues that most employers face and simply do not know how to handle. During this presentation, Tina discussed the relevant laws and provide legal and practical advice on how to handle various situations in compliance with these laws. To watch the entire recording of the webinar, please click here.

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