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Carr Maloney, P.C.

Fairfax Bar Association: Underlying Ethical Obligations of Attorney Communications & Representations

Washington, D.C. (June 16, 2022): The Fairfax Bar Association Young Lawyers Section, Prince William County Bar Association, and the Virginia State Bar’s Young Lawyers Conference are hosting their annual CLE seminar on June 21, 2022, 4:00- 6:00 PM EST.

This CLE is intended to educate young and newly admitted lawyers on strategies and model practices to maintain candor with both court, clients, and opposing counsel in a variety of disciplines. The panelists will also provide an overview of the sanctions process related to allegations of a lack of candor with the court, both with court-related sanctions and the bar disciplinary process.

The webinar will deliver practical guidance to attendees to assist them in shaping their practice to conform to the requirements of Virginia law and build trust with both courts and their clients.

Speakers in this webinar include Dennis J. Quinn, The Honorable Michael J. Lindner, Fairfax General District Court, The Honorable Thomas P. Mann, Fairfax Circuit Court, Patrick M. Blanch from Zinicola, Blanch & Hart, PLLC.

Click on the below to register for this webinar:

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